Ambystoma californiense is threatened largely as a result of land development destroying its habitat.
California Tiger Salamander
(Ambystoma californiense)
Copyright © 2000, Joyce GrossUsing this Photo:
Permission is granted to use this photo for any personal or academic purpose as long as notification of use is sent to joyceg@cs.berkeley.edu and the image is clearly credited with © 2000 Joyce Gross. To obtain permission for commercial and other uses, or to inquire about reprints, fees, and licensing, or if you have other questions, contact Joyce Gross joyceg@cs.berkeley.edu.
Why is the California Tiger Salamander threatened?
Salamanders evolved during the Jurassic periodJurassic Period
Geological period that occurred approximately 150 million years ago. Dinosaurs also lived during this period and the continents had not yet drifted apart. or about 150 million years ago. This means that they lived at the same time as the dinosaurs, but unlike the dinosaurs they did not become extinctExtinct
An extinct species is one that can no longer be found anywhere in the world because it has died out.. Unfortunately, however, some species of salamander, like the California Tiger Salamander, are now threatened with extinction.
The greatest threat to the California Tiger Salamander is mankind. We have built too many buildings in areas where they live and turned too much of their habitatHabitat
The area or environment where a particular species lives into farmland. These activities have not only reduced the size of their habitat but they have fragmentedHabitat Fragmentation
The separation of one large habitat into several small, unconnected ones. Smaller habitats cannot support large populations and it is not possible for animals in one fragment to move to another. it.
Human activity has led to the increase of non-native predators in the salamander's habitat. Bullfrogs, fish and crayfish all think that salamanders and their eggs make tasty treats! Many tiger salamanders from other states have also been imported for fisherman to use as bait. Unfortunately, however, when these other tiger salamanders mate with the California Tiger Salamander they produce offspring that is sterileSterile
Unable to reproduce. Very often when animals from similar species mate, they produce sterile offspring. The mule, produced from the mating of a horse and a donkey, is another example of a sterile animal..
Human use of pesticidesPesticide
Chemical poison used to kill unwanted animals. While pesticides may be effective in controlling unwanted animal populations, they often kill other animals as well. also affects the California Tiger Salamander. Poisons used to control populations of ground squirrels is especially effective on salamanders, which are smaller and have permeablePermeable
Having pores large enough for liquids and gases to pass through. skin. Pesticides used to kill mosquitoes also kill other insects that the salamanders eat.
homeThe California Tiger Salamander
Click here to learn about why this fascinating creature is threatened, where it lives, how it lives its life and why we need to establish new vernal pools for it. nextWhy are the salamanders in the Stanford foothills endangered?
What specific human activities are threatening the salamanders in Stanford?