Come Help Us!

If you think the Magic Twins are having all the fun, here's your chance to get in on it! Find out how to organize a school, church or family outing to help us save the California Tiger Salamander.
Vernal Pools

Here you can find out what a vernal pool is and why vernal pools are vanishing. Also, you will find out what kind of creatures like vernal pools … and what kinds don't.
The California Tiger Salamander

Click here to learn about why this fascinating creature is threatened, where it lives, how it lives its life and why we need to establish new vernal pools for it.

Saving the California Tiger Salamander

Quiz Time!

So you think you know it all? Try out one of our quizzes and see how much you remember!

Quiz Time!

Did you read everything carefully? If you did, then you should have no problem at all with our three quizzes. Try them out and see how you do. If you do not do very well, it's OK; you can re-read our website and try again!