Programs: Making Magic
- Valuescience
- Apply ecological methods and principles to discern common interests of humankind, and how to further them. Email -
- Creating Community
- Learn how to structure and operate households and workplaces to foster cooperation and consensual decision-making. Email -
- Planning for Living
- Become more as you intend by learning to plan your life and live your plan; dates to be determined; includes vegan supper. If you want to be notified of the next workshop date, or to arrange a private consultation with workshop leader Hilary Hug, please email -
- Yoga and Friends
- Practice hatha yoga as a path to loving. Email -
Article: "Live in Community? Can We Afford Not To?" Communities Magazine, Winter 2003
- Lectures
- We've received enthusiastic reviews of valuescience talks presented to diverse groups, including Stanford faculty, staff, and students, other school groups, and service clubs like the League of Women Voters. If you know of a lecture series, school, or community group where valuescience might be a welcome topic, please email
- Residential Service Learning
- A thriving Magic service learning community now fully occupies three adjacent residences. Among the recent program participants are affiliates from Canada, Chile, China, Fiji, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Spain, and Taiwan. If you or someone you know may be interested in participating, please email
- For Common Good
- Reconciliation and mediation
- Light on Water
- Magic Mentors℠
- Tutoring most subjects, elementary through college
- Movement Magic℠
- Learn to bicycle, swim and/or run with awareness and ease
- Publications
- Magic publications catalog
- Sleep Apnea Education
- Information about sleep apnea and events sponsored by patient group at Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic
- Visiting Magic
- A few words to prospective guests
Publication: "Public Ownership of US Streambeds and Floodplains: A Basis for Ecological Stewardship" BioScience, April 2003
Volunteer Opportunities
- Behind-the-Scenes
- "Maintain and improve Magic's buildings, grounds, and information systems. Research, design, write, and edit teaching and promotional materials. Email
- Liveable City
- Make streets safer; plant and care for trees; work to quiet
debris blowers, unnecessary sirens, and train horns; research, teach
and lobby.
For 30 years we at Magic have warned that continuing expansion of building and paving in Palo Alto decreases quality of life for people here and elsewhere. Now concerns about flooding, deteriorating infrastructure, inadequate revenues, crowded schools and parks, and other infringements upon life quality are headline news and major headaches for residents, businesspeople, city workers, and elected officials while humans around the world live in poverty, in part for want of capital being misinvested here.
We're hosting discussions of alternatives to growth that better serve the interests of Palo Altans and people elsewhere, and how to achieve them. To join in, please email:
- Planting for the Second Hundred Years
- Steward California oaks and other native species on Stanford University openspace lands. Fieldwork Saturday mornings from 10-1 or by arrangement from late autumn through early spring, and one or two weekday evenings during the two hours before sunset from late spring through early autumn. Email -

Just for Fun
- Dancing & Music-making
Saturdays, as announced, we dance and make music from 8-10 pm, followed by a
potluck supper. Bring musical instruments, and pure fruit juice or healthful
food to share. RSVP. To receive notice of upcoming events, email:
Most Sunday evenings resident Jeffrey Hook's band, The "Sharp 9's" practices in our music room. To audition, call Jeffrey at six five zero, two six nine seven two three one.
- Food for Thought
- Join us for lunch or supper and lively conversation; most days; call for reservation